About Me

I am a self-taught software developer possessing over ten years of experience in software application development, management consulting, and project management in technology and chemical multinational companies working in locations across US and China. The work experiences after getting my MBA, led me down the path of learning about software in my spare time on my own initiative. I wanted to more effectively lead the digital transformation projects I was in charge of and to address my own and my colleagues' frustrations while using enterprise software. In the process, I discovered a passion for software development and also opened my eyes to its potential to streamline many inefficient processes that exist in the corporate world today. I've realized I want to be at the forefront of innovation and change rather than being a follower of it.

My Portfolio

MIRROR - Fitness Companion App

App Overview

Gym goers can perform studio workouts on their MIRROR workout device using their iPhones and also work out on the go.

My Role

I developed the Find Friends feature that allows MIRROR members to find other members by searching for their user names and the several entry points that would go to that app flow. I worked together with 4 other iOS developers on the revamp of the Home Tab, taking ownership of the welcome and progress sections that are in the top of the view. Another cool project was working with the Apple Watch for the first time, by implementing dynamic loading of emojis fetched from the backend to render on the Apple Watch while a user is in a workout.

Technologies Used

VIPER-MVVM hybrid architecture, SnapKit, Core Graphics, ReactiveSwift, WebSockets, Apple Watch

Audiomack - Music Sharing and Discovery App

App Overview

Enables artists, tastemakers, labels, and music fans to share the love of music.

My Role

I have overhauled the My Libary tab UI and developed the premium downloads feature set from ground up including the business logic for replacing and deleting downloads, UI, and unit tests. I refactored the entire networking layer migrating the Objective-C code to 100% Swift with the use of PromiseKit, Alamofire and Protocol-Oriented Programming. I developed their widgets for iOS 14 using SwiftUI integrating it with several main app features.

Technologies Used

Alamofire, PromiseKit, Objective-C / Swift interoperability, Mixpanel, MoPub Ads, MVVM Architecture, SwiftUI, WidgetKit

JETSWEAT - Boutique Gym Fitness Video Streaming

App Overview

Connects gym goers with boutique gyms allowing them to stream on demand video classes and get a personalized gym workout routine through a subscription service.

My Role

I was part of an early stage startup working with a team of mobile developers (both iOS and android), full stack web developers, UX designers, marketing and business development. I made the original iPhone only app to also work on iPads. For analytics, I implemented a geolocation feature to get the user's location for marketing purposes. I built an offline version of the app where users can download content to watch videos offline.

Technologies Used

Auto Layout, Core Location, Reachability, Codable Protocol, Filemanager, Core Data, Self Sizing Table View Cells, REST APIs, Alamofire, AVPlayer, Urban Airship Deeplinking, Branch, Wistia

Abacus - Real Time Expense Reporting

App Overview

Allows corporations to streamline their expense reporting processes with a mobile app.

My Role

I worked as a part-time contractor for a digital product agency, HappyFunCorp, with their client, Abacus, on a three month project. Internally at HappyFunCorp, I was working with a distributed team that consisted of an iOS developer from India, Android developer from Brazil, tech lead and project manager in NYC. Externally we were interfacing with Abacus and their product manager, UI designer, and full stack web development team. I was part of the effort in developing the features for unexpensed card transactions and card details features in both Objective-C and Swift. A majority of the codebase is still in Objective-C.

Technologies Used

Objective-C with Swift integration along with bridging headers, Programmatic UI, JIRA, Abstract, Charles Proxy, Google Chrome Dev Tools, URLSession for Networking

RetireFIRE - Personal Finance Retirement Calculator

App Overview

Guides working professionals and helps them plan a path to financial independence using low cost mutual and index fund investing. I officially retired the app on the Apple App Store in 2021.

My Role

I was the only developer on this project building it from scratch.

Technologies Used

Core Data, UIKit, Custom Collection View Layouts, Auto Layout, Adaptive Layout, 3rd party Charts library via Cocoapods

Get In Touch

Looking for a software developer? Feel free to contact me at davidshi.dev4life@gmail.com